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BQ25756: Design for 16S Li-ion

Part Number: BQ25756

We are looking to use the BQ25756 for an application that may be either 14S or 16S Li-ion pack.  The datasheet indicates the charger is applicable to 14S Li-ion and 16S LiFePo4 (Section 1 - Features).  Based on a per-cell charge voltage of 4.2V, a 16S Li-ion battery would need a nominal 67.2V charge voltage, which seems within all maximum recommended voltage specifications listed in the BQ25756 datasheet (Section 7.3 - Recommended Operating Conditions).  

In other words, by calculation it appears the BQ25756 can support 16S Li-ion, but the datasheet states only 14S is allowable.  Using the BQ25756 design calculator (XLS version V01X-2) and plugging in parameters for a 16S Li-ion charger design gives valid results with no warnings.

If TI could provide some background information on this perceived discrepancy I would appreciate it.  I assume I am missing something but haven't identified it yet.


Will Brown