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BQ24232: direct replacement of bq24230

Part Number: BQ24232
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24230

Dear Mr./Mrs,

If input voltage is not a constraint, I would thank your confirmation about the bq24232 repalcement of bq23230 in the circuit below (pin15 connected to ground)

Many thanks in advanced

  • Hello, 

    Thank you for reaching out via E2E. Please see my comments below. 

    As you have correctly determined pin 15 is the only pin difference between BQ24230 and BQ24232. For the BQ24232 having pin 15 (ITERM) connected to GND is acceptable, but please keep in mind the resistor value connected to ITERM determines the termination current. 

    Depending on the required termination current for your specific battery you may need to adjust your design to have a resistor from pin 15 to GND. Alternatively, pin 15 can be left floating to set termination current to 10% of fast charge current. 

    Beyond these comments BQ24232 is a compatible replacement for BQ24230.

    Best Regards,


  • On both cases, the charge termination is enabled with pin15 connected to GND. According to the datasheet, the BQ24232 threshold can be programmed with a resistor from ITERM to VSS following:

    EQ 6.  (EN1 = EN2 = VSS), the termination current value is calculated as: ITERM = 0.01 × RITERM / RISET (

    EQ 7  (EN1 ≠ EN2), the termination current value is calculated as: ITERM = 0.03 × RITERM / RISET

    If RITERM = 0 (bacause pin15 is directly connected to VSS), is the BQ24230 and BQ24232 behaviour equivalent?

  • Hi Pere, 

    Please see my comments below. 

    With RITERM = 0 BQ24230 and BQ24232 will not have equivalent behavior.

    Since termination current cannot be programed on the BQ24230 with EN1 ≠ EN2 termination threshold will be 10% of charge current. This is not the case on the BQ24232 with RITERM = 0 (Termination threshold will be a lower current).

    To achieve the same behavior on BQ24232 either select a RITERM value to set termination to 10% of ICHG or alternatively leave the pin floating.

    Best Regards,
