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LP8764-Q1: shutdown at high temp

Part Number: LP8764-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS6594-Q1

Dear expert,

Customer system is TPS65941213+LP8764+TDA4.

They report 3pcs high temp shutdown issue among 15Ku manufacture boards.

At 85C air temp, TPS65941213-Q1 and LP8764-Q1 Tj is around 110C~120C. After sometime running at high temp, then randomly, these 3 system all PMIC power output shutdown to 0V. After problem happen, they read PMIC registers. TPS65941213-Q1 registers are all 0.  LP8764-Q1 registers can be read back normally. There is OV bit set. Then they disable LP8764-Q1 OV setting, the problem won't happen any more at high temp. 

But we cannot see any abnormal with scope for 3.3V input for LP8764-Q1. 

Then we cut off on board 3.3V and use an external power supply(out of high temp chamber) for 3.3V  input for LP8764-Q1, the phenomenon still can be reproduced.

ABA swap test is done. The phenomenon follows specific LP8764.

Do you have any suggestion for this critical issue?


  • Hi Ryan,

    Could you clarify which OV is set? Are you referring to VCCA OV? 

    Do they have scope shot about the event happening at the time the all devices shuts down. Also regarding interrupts i'm suspecting there should be interrupts than this one. 

    What is LP8764-Q1 full part number? Is it LP876411B4-Q1?

    Br, Jari

  • Jari,

    Yes, it is VCCA OV.

    It is LP876411B4-Q1.

    Below is all register dump.  TPS6594 all registers return 0. LP8764 return valid data.

    registers dump.docx

    Below is scope capture. EN_3V3IO_LDSWVCCA_3V3VDD_CORE_0V8 are LP8764 output.  VDD_CPU_AVS is TPS6594 output. Both silicon shutdown at the same time. 

    Below are other outputs of TPS6594. They are all shutdown at the same time.

  • Hi Ryan,

    Having everything zeroes from TPS65941213-Q1 is not indicating good. Even when device shuts down there should be communication open to device to read registers. Also I had a little hard times to read register dump. Would you have it in register address = register data format. 

    Also based on figures TPS65941213-Q1 starts shutdown earlier. Not sure but also looks like rails are coming down with pulldown enabled. Meaning no switching which means severe error has triggered shutdown. Is the time scale 10ms or what in the figures.

    I'll check from TPS65941213-Q1 his opinion about this shutdown event. 

    Br, Jari

  • Jari,

    Sorry, I find last register dump has only 6 bits for every register shown. Pls see below register dump for LP8764.

    The 1st pic is 10ms time scale. 

    The 2nd pic is 4ms time scale.

    The 3st pic is  8ms time scale.

    If LP8764 OV disable, the problem won't happen. And ABA swap follows LP8764. Customer wants to send this pcs LP8764 for CQE process.

    Now they report 5 more pcs LP8764 (among 15Ku) has the similar problem. But these 5 pcs LP8764 only show this problem once during high temp test and cannot be reproducible any more.

    I want to send this pcs LP8764 for CQE process tomorrow. Need your comment on this. 

     LP8764 register dump.xlsx

  • Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for the data. Now I can see all registers. From there still quite interesting that TPS6594-Q1 cannot be read but LP8764-Q1 can in the error case. 

    Scope shots are ok but there should be one same signal in every shot to align timing accurately. 

    With these 5 new pcs are those able to recover back to normal operation after event? And are all previous 3 pcs having same reproducible symptom every time. No restart happening at all. I mean system shuts down from normal operation and no restart?

    I think CQE is needed but let's don't rush to that yet before we try to figure out issue.

    Br, Jari

  • Hi Ryan,

    Few clarifications:

    1. After first cold boot (VCCA rising from 0 V to 3.3 V) have all interrupts been cleared before system goes to continuous operation state?
    2. Regarding A-B-A swap, is the suspected LP8764-Q1 moved to expected working board? After discussing with design and systems, TPS6594-Q1 should be also accessible after event. Not only LP8764-Q1.
    3. Could you request register content of both devices before error happens?

    Br, Jari

  • Hi Ryan,

    1. Also could they change VCCA UV/OV thresholds from current setting to max and check operation.
    2. VCCA_GRP_SEL from MCU group to No group
    3. Scope triggering to nINT falling and very good zoom to VCCA to see what happens in VCCA at that exact time. Voltage scale hundreds of millivolts or tens of millivolts. 
    4. Picture from top mark.

    Br, Jari

  • Jari,

    With these 5 new pcs are those able to recover back to normal operation after event?“

    Ryan: The problem only happen once during high temp test. After power shutdown, it cannot back to normal. After they power cycle system, the problem cannot be duplicated any more.

    "And are all previous 3 pcs having same reproducible symptom every time. No restart happening at all. I mean system shuts down from normal operation and no restart?

    Ryan: Only one silicon is reproducible every time. Another 2pcs are among those 5 new pcs. Correct, system shut down and no restart.

    "After first cold boot (VCCA rising from 0 V to 3.3 V) have all interrupts been cleared before system goes to continuous operation state?"

    Ryan: I will let them download register after cold boot and send to you.

    "Regarding A-B-A swap, is the suspected LP8764-Q1 moved to expected working board? "

    Ryan: yes. Phenomenon follows this pcs LP8764-Q1.

    I will do other experiments you suggested soon.

    Top mark:

  • Jari,

    Sorry. Customer already removed silicon from board and delivered to our CQE.

    They want to go through ATE first.

    Let me close this thread for now first.

    Thanks for your support.