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LM74900-Q1: Tapping Voltage Output After 1st Mosfet

Part Number: LM74900-Q1


Greetings of the Day!!

I'm currently planning to use LM74900QRGERQ1, I got to know from datasheet that this is having a low IQ shutdown mode that would aid in terms of low current consumption by disabling both D-GATE & H-GATE Mosfets. However we have some circuit blocks in our system that always needs the supply even if we plan to enter this shutdown mode, so if we tap the output "VOUT_2" for everything then we won't be having power for the critical blocks (i.e. DC-DC Converter & CAN - requiring around 1.5A worst case).

We are planning to use the N-Mosfets: NVTFS5C670NLWFTAG (Here the body diode can also seem to handle the amount of current we are expecting if we plan to use the "VOUT_1" during shutdown mode)

So, will that be okay to tap the Output after the first Mosfet as well "VOUT_1" and also add a bulk cap to only provide power to the above mentioned Always ON circuit blocks during both Normal and shutdown operating modes of the Device ?

It would really mean a lot if you guys can let me know of this, Thanks a lot for your time !!

