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LP-MSPM0L2228: Can I use PA8 and PA9 on this board for I2C0?

Part Number: LP-MSPM0L2228



I use LP-MSPM0L2228.

I want to use PA8 and PA9 for I2C0.

I could use PA0 and PA1 for I2C0.

I changed the PIN settings, but it doesn't work on PA8 and PA9.

Can I use PA8 and PA9 on this board for I2C0?


  • Hello Sho, 

    Yes, you can use the PA8 and PA9 as I2C. I2C transmission need pull-up register. In our LaunchPad, I remember that PA0 and PA1 has been connected with pull-up register through jumper cap, but PA8 and PA9 have not connected with pull-up register on the LaunchPad. You can check it. 

    Best Regards,

    Janz Bai