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TPS2116: How to use by applying voltage to only one input

Guru 19565 points
Part Number: TPS2116


Is there any problem in using only one of VIN1 or VIN2 with voltage applied?

If there is no problem, could you please let me know the precautions when using it?

When one customer was testing a power multiplexer for a competitor, it seems that when power was applied to only one side, a sneak current occurred at the control terminal.

For this reason, they are concerned that a similar phenomenon may occur, so requested confirmation.

Is there a possibility that the control logic (Slew rate, Status output, the other setting) will be affected by one-sided power supply?

Or is it better to change to TPS212x?

Best regards,


  • Satoshi,

    I apologize about the delay here. 

    First, are we talking about having one VIN input floating? In this case, none of the slew rate, status, diagnostics, etc. would be affected. 

    Where was the leakage path that they saw? There would be no explicit leakage path from VOUT to any of the control/digital pins. Was this the question?

    Best Regards,