BQ79616-Q1: Using a single PCBA for a range of connected cells.

Part Number: BQ79616-Q1



My question piggybacks on some of the other questions on the forum. We're in the early stages of designing a cell monitoring device that can monitor up to 16 cells in an automotive environment (which makes the BQ79616-Q1 an obvious choice). However, in some scenarios, less than 16 cells will be used per IC (possibly as few as 6).

We would very much like to not have to depopulate any components or make any hardware changes to the device, but the examples shown in Figure 10-2 seem to indicate that depopulation is the only recommended option.

If we were to instead short the external unused cell tap connections, what would happen to the device? It doesn't seem like this setup would violate any of the Absolute Maximum ratings (as all unused cells will be at the same voltage as the highest connected cell). The circuit would be equivalent to the one below, but with the 10/100ohm resistors and VCn to VCn-1 capacitors all populated, as well as all of the unused Celln positive terminals connected to the most positive connected cell positive.

What would the result of this installation be? If this is likely to cause substantial issues, are there other ICs in the TI lineup with which this could be achieved?