BQ40Z50-R2: BQstudio statuses definition

Part Number: BQ40Z50-R2
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO



been looking at BQstudio much closer can i get some explanation in the difference between:

  1. Battery Status
  2. Charging status
  3. Gauging status
  4. Battery status
  5. Operation status
  6. Manufacturing status


Jonathan Kabangu

  • Hello Jonathan,

    You can find these registers on the TRM found in the product website.

    1. The battery status register consists of flags related to the status of the battery including charge/discharge status, battery mode, gauge initialization among other flags.

    2. This consists of flags such as charging voltage/current rate of change, high/low voltage regions etc.

    3. This registers consists of flags for the gauging status, IT gauging, VOK etc.

    4. See point 1.

    5. Operation Status A and B registers consist of flags describing the current operating state of the gauge.

    6. Manufacturing Status consist of flags indicating status of features of the gauge before manufacturing.

