LM51551-Q1: Coupled inductor in SEPIC architecture

Part Number: LM51551-Q1


Dear Engineers,

I want to use this reference design (PMP40488) for one of my application.

I noticed if I used coupled inductor for L3 and L4 I will get better performance and the value of the positive rail and rail will be closer to each other:

Based on the test report there is a little bit difference between positive and negative rail:

Based on the bill of material of the reference design, it seems, they have used two separate inductors for L3 and L4 and not a coupled inductor:

 I wonder If I use couple inductor the results will be different? or I can not gain that much? what is your suggestion should used the same BOM for having a reliable performance? 


  • Hi Behnam,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    Indeed, the inductors are not coupled in this reference design.

    You can try using coupled inductors and see if the output rails have less difference. However a small difference depending on the load is normal if one rail is only cross-regulated.

    To have a reliable performance like in the test report, you should use the same BOM.

    Best regards
