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BQ25758: OCP quesitons

Part Number: BQ25758



We have some BQ25758 OCP qeusiton wants to clarify.

Expected Behavior when OCP is triggered

  1. BQ25758 INT pin active low to indicate an interrupt. -> INT pin is triggered after OCP ->  Fail, the source of INT seems not to be OCP, but Charger_stat change.
  2. Read 0x24 and check if IBAT_OCP_STAT is 1. ->   The value read out is 0x00. ->  Fail


Questions are as follows

  1. How to enable OCP function? Do we only need to config 0x02 output_current_limit? Does other register need to config?
  2. What OCP behavior should we expect after setting the OCP current limit? BQ25758 resets itself or raises an interrupt so the host can handle the OCP condition.
  3. Which reg bit should we check after OCP triggered?
  4. When OCP happen, can BQ25758 keep output power and not to reset power?
  5. How to read current? is it read from 0x2F and 0x30? Should we assert other function?

