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TPS25751: tps25751 Min Power consumption config

Part Number: TPS25751


Dear expert:

May I ask how to configure Tps25751 to save more power  in ilde ? which works in DRP mode and has Liquid detection enabled,

Thanks a lot

  • Hi Xiankai, 

    Thank you for reaching out!

    The Sleep Time fields below allow for customizable delay between each sampling period. Higher sleep time may result in less power consumption but might take more time to enter/exit liquid detected state depending on when the short(s) occurred and when the sampling takes place.

    Best Regards, 

    Aya Khedr

  • Hi Aya 

      Thanks for reply , Yes,This can affect power consumption to a certain extent, but the improvement will not be significant. The detection time will be extended, and when entering production testing, the time will also be extended, So the time cannot be changed too long.

     Also, I tried the 0X70 sleep mode Which of 100ms and 1200ms is more energy-efficient here?

    Is there any other method, as I actually measured EVK and consumed around 0.05W(10.3V  4.6mA) Is this normal?

    Best reagrds


  • Hi Xiankai, 

    In register 0x70, the sleep time is the minimum time the PD controller waits before entering sleep mode. Therefore, the faster we enter sleep mode (i.e. 100ms), the more energy-efficient. But please note that if the Liquid detection sleep time is set longer than the PD sleep time, it may or may not enter sleep mode in between readings. 

    See below for power consumption characteristics in the datasheet: 

    Best Regards, 

    Aya Khedr