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How to change SOC1 set threshold from BQ27501

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ27501


Thank You for your valuable time and reading the post.

We are using Fuel Gauge Monitor BQ27501 on our HW Platform.

What we have observed is whenever RemainingCapacity shows a value of 150mAh, I see that BAT_LOW becomes active.

  • If I have to either reduce or increase the SOC1 set threshold value, how we can do that? We want to change only this value nothing else
  • Does BAT_LOW is generated based on current value only, can we configure BAT_LOW  to be generated after observing a Low Voltage value?
  • I had observed that by default the design capacity is set to 1000mAh, but we are using a 3500mAh battery. So, do we have to change it to get a proper value when we read RemaininigCapacity() register?

Please advise on it.
