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Hi Sir,
We're debugging customer's TPS65994AD. Port A is an 20V power sink and Port B is an normal alt DFP (U3+DP 2lane setting). Port A looks fine. But there's some issue at port B.
1. We see 5V 0.9A source PDO at log, but we didn't define that at PJT.
2. We try to check HPD GPIO function, but didn't see HPD GPIO signal with high level.
Would you please helping to check our setting and log? Thanks.
Gary Teng
Hi Gary ,
Is the system in DeadBattery?
Please share the PD LOGS + I2C logs.
Please confirm the FW version used.
Thanks ,
Hi Shubha,
Sorry I don't attach PD log at previous message. And no I2C log because no EC in system.
System will be wake up through Port A's 20V sink PDO and device we connected at port B is a buspower dongle.
FW version is f509.04.14.
Hi Gary ,
This behavior is expected . As device is powered in DeadBattery ( PortA 20V PDO) , Source PDO is limited to 900mA ( as system is in DeadBattery , PD Controller restricts the current).
Please use VIN3V3 to boot the device or clear DeadBattery flag through I2C to see 5V 3A PDO.
Thanks ,
Hi Shubha,
Can 994's alt mode communication and gpio control works correct at dead battery mode?
Hi Gary ,
Yes Alt mode and GPIOs will work as expected in DeadBattery mode.
Thanks ,