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About TPS65070's AD converter

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65070
TPS65070's AD Converter controlled by resister.

BYPASS Terminal on/off controlled by same as resister
We checked data sheet this function. 

This AD Converter  BYPASS Terminal on/off  by this bit control.

Any way,  customer checked about this Bit Control .  
This is Customer check result. 

1) Case1: the voltage is supplied by  the "AC terminal".   
     → VREF dose not Controlled by  this resister bit .
              * Bypass can not control 

2) Case2: the voltage is supplied by  the "BAT terminal".
    →VREF Controlled by this resister bit 
            * Bypass can control 


     We can not find about this Bypass Controls detail spec.
     Could you tell us about this description in Data Sheet?
     especially  " AC " terminal and  "BAT "Terminal , 
      Why different ?? 
  • Hi, 

    In case 1: You can still control the ADC conversion function but, the LDO reference voltage is always there. This would only be if you have the device plugged in to an outlet or USB port. The source of power would not be the battery. Therefore, turning off the LDO reference voltage for the ADC is not a big concern for it is only uA's of quiescent current and the outlet or USB port would be able to handle it and not show much difference in performance.