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LM5035C / auto-recovery for output over-voltage protection

Guru 29690 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5045, LM5035C

Hi Team,

There is the following figure for latched output over-voltage fault protection.

Is there application note or configuration example for auto-recovery?
My customer would like to know it.

Best regards,

  • Hi Kensuke,

    We will take a look at this for you, the customer may be better resetting the controller by discharging the SS pin as well.


  • Hi Peter-san,

    Thank you for your support.
    I am looking forward to your reply!

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Peter-san,

    I believe the auto-recovery configuration is possible when I set R2 more smaller in Figure26.
    For example, R2=10kΩ etc.(10k[Ω] x 23[uA] = 0.23[V] < 1.25[V])
    Is my understanding correct?

    In addition, I would like to ask one more question.
    My customer would also like to detect two types of OVP failure by OR-ing connection.
    Is it possible to achieve this function as the following figure?

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Yaita-san

    I would agree with from reading the datasheet that reducing R2 to 10K should prevent the internal current source from producing enough voltage on the OVP pin to keep the controller latched off.

    I assume one OVP source comes through PC1 and the other is connected in directly to the OVP pin? I would suggest that the two OVP sources are connected to the OVP pin by diodes to prevent one from loading the OVP pin while the other source is actively trying to drive it high during a fault.


  • Hi Peter-san,

    Thank you for your continuous support.

    My customer also considers LM5045 for another project and needs auto-recovery output OVP scheme too.
    Is there recommended figure(schematic) for the requirement?
    I believe the figure is the same as LM5035C discussed above, but would like to confirm just in case.

    Your support would be appreciated.

    Best Regards,
    Yaita / Japan

  • May I have your comments?

    Best Regards,