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difference between bq24103 and bq24104

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24104, BQ24103, BQ24014, BQ24103EVM, BQ24133

Dear Specialists,

My customer is considering bq24103 and bq24104.

(1) Could you tell me the difference between bq24103 and bq24104?

According to the datasheet, the difference is only stat pin lighting (blinking or keep lighting)

Is there the other difference? 

(2) The customer wants to evaluate EVM.

bq24103 has an EVM, no problem.

bq24014 doesn't have, so he evaluate bq24103EVM changing to bq24104.

Is there any problem?

Best regards,


  • Shinichi,

    If you haven't already considered them, please also look at the bq24133, bq2417x family of parts as well. These are the newer version of the bq24103/104 family.  

    (1) The primary difference between the bq24103 and bq24104 is the STAT pin function, but also a change for the deglitch time for temperature fault. 

    (2) The bq24104 can be evaluated by swapping the part on the bq24103EVM. 



  • Dear Rachal

    Thank you for your reply.

    I understand.

    The differences are STAT pin function and deglitch time.  

    I'll feedback to the customer.

    I appreciate your great help.

    Best regards,
