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TPS40428 and CSD95378BQ5MC Product Life Time

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CSD95378BQ5MC, TPS40428

We are interested in using TPS40428 and CSD95378BQ5MC in an upcoming design. What is the anticipated life time/obsolescence?



  • Hello SRW,

    These two parts are both barely a year old. I do not think you will have any obsolescence issues. What lifetime are you expecting for this design?

    Similar parts in these families have been active for 5-10 years and are still recommended for new designs with no anticipated EoL. 

    TI is committed to a general policy of rarely obsoleting parts. However in those rare cases the policy detailed in this link that states that a PCN (Part Change Notification) will be issued to those purchasing said parts 90 days before the change occurs. Once the part status changes to End of Life/Lifetime buy after 90 days there is a full 12 month period for Lifetime buy.