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Which IC's for Battery Pack

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ40Z60, TPS54339E, TPS53318, TPS2514, TPS2554, TPS2513, TPS2561

 I  am newby in electronic and try to design a 4S2P lithium ion battery pack charger. I will use 4s2p ( 8 * 3000mAh li-ion battery - 0.5c)

I am planning to design two pcb for BMS. First PCB will be a protection and balancing unit and will be soldered to batteries. I am planning to use S-8254A IC / or a similar TI IC and mosfets (like this PCM) in first PCB.

Second PCB will be a charge controller/fuel monitor. I am planning to use one of this ICs. Maxim MAX1758 / Linears LTC4006 or TI's BQ40z60

Second PCB will also include Charge inputs and USB output, 14V output.

But i want to use only TI ICs in design. 

Can you suggest ICs for this kind of design.

Thank You

  • Hello Jud,

    You say you are a newbie to electronics. While I do not want to dissuade your enthusiasm I would be negligent if I did not warn you by saying that batteries especially Li-Ion and in higher cell counts like what you are describing here can be very dangerous and such designs should not be entered into lightly.
    With that in mind please go to our battery university site here to learn more and be careful if you do still plan to undertake this project after my warning above.

    What are you making? A large multi-cell USB power bank?

    If I am reading your first sentence correctly you are make a 4S2P pack with 3000mAh cells that prefer to be charged at a rate of 0.5C. Since this is a 2P pack it would suggest that you are charging at 3A assuming a voltage input to your charger of at least 18V.

    You can use the bq40z60 which is a very capable part that incorporates charging, gauging, balancing, and primary protection into one chip. This part will function as a charger but to have it support effective gauging you are going to need to know enough information about your cells in the pack to pick from the ChemID's in the Battery Management Studio program.

    When you say charge inputs I assume you are working on power MUX to select from multiple sources.

    For a USB output you are going to need a buck converter, port controller, and current limit switches.

    Buck Converter:

    Port Controller + Current Limit Switch
    TPS2514 + TPS2554
    TPS2513 + TPS2561
  • thank you very much .

    I will go on with Battery university before more detailed questions.

  • Hello Jud,

    Thanks for your willingness to learn. Feel free to comment on this thread with the questions that your review of Battery University generates.