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TPS65563A / Change I_PEAK pin voltage during charging


My customer is concerning the behavior when the voltage applied on I_PEAK pin is changed during charging. They do not want to change it, but they plan to apply from D/A converter and they are supposing the case of unexpected output from D/A converter.

Please let me know the concern you can assume at that condition.

Best Regards,

Sonoki / Japan Disty

  • As datasheet page 10 mentioned, I_PEAK controlled the primary side peak current.
    VI_PEAK = 0.1V, Ipeak 0.62 A
    VI_PEAK = 0.65 V, Ipeak 1.3 A
    VI_PEAK = 1.5 V, Ipeak 1.8 A

    With unexpected output from D/A, it only changed the primary side peak current. Charge time could be changed. There is no other concern from my side.