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About Bq24650 Charger

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24650

 Dear Sir ,

 I am planing to use BQ24650 battery charger in my application. i have below mention doubts .

1) What is the significance of CE (Active Low) signal?

2) Where should i connect this CE (Active low ) signal ? in data sheet no connection is present for CE (Active Low) signal??

   Should i connect this signal to ground??

Please clarify??


Sachin Ghorse

  • Hi Sachin,

    The CE active low (charge enable) function in the schematic is there to disable the charger whenever you provide a high voltage to this NFET gate. The datasheet states that if MPPSET is pulled below 75mV, the charge is disabled. See page 13 on the input voltage regulation section.

    You can use this NFET if you want to control whether the charge is enabled or not by a host or by an external circuit that meets a certain criteria. If you don't need this functionality, you don't have to add it.

  • Dear Steven,

    Thank you for your kind and quick reply..

    Got it..!!!!

    We use this signal when use any external circuit like micro-controller or  interfacing with another circuit.


    Sachin Ghorse

  • Dear Steven ,

    I went through datasheet of bq24650 and found this IC is use constant voltage algorithm for MPPT ( buck input voltage and boost current to mentioned maximum power ).

    Is it possible to configured bq24650 as a SEPIC charger?? If yes please share guidelines and application note .

    Sachin Ghorse
  • Glad I could help Sachin.

  • Sachin,

    For the SEPIC charger, you can follow the app note which explains how to make the changes.
