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REF6241: Voltage References for more than one adc

Part Number: REF6241
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: THS4281, OPA836, OPA835, ADS8319, OPA365, ADS8865, ADS8861, ADS8885, PGA280, THS4521, ADS8864

I am  going to use   REF6241  as voltage reference  .   but  there is  4 ADC(SAR  adc  ) in my design   and i don't want to use 4 separate vref

how can I handle it?

what is  best suited op amp for  buffering  it  in this condition?


  • hi Vahid

    do you have the p/n of the ADCs, so I could be more precise?
    on the spot I would say THS4281 or OPA835 / OPA836...


  • the ADC i am going to use is AD7693

    As  I said I want to  use  four  of  it,


  • hi Vahid,

    please be aware that the ADS8319 is pin2pin equivalent to AD7693...
    to drive 4x references, the OPA365 is reccomended here...

    hope this helped a bit

  • thank you for your consideration and time

    I will read ADS8319 data sheet, tying to compere them, I will wire to you the result .
  • hello

    thank  you for recommendation. i read the ads8319 specification.  all  thing is right but I  need to  convert true differential  signal.

  • ah ok,

    in this case please consider these parts:

    ADS8865 (16b, 400k, true diff, web price = $4.95)
    ADS8861 (16b, 1M, true diff, web price = $8.95),

    that you can quickly compare to

    AD7693 (16b, 500k, true differential, web price = $18.77).

    times 4, makes the $$$ difference I guess ;)

    hope this helped a bit
  • thank  you for  the point

    I will check the  specifications and let you know,

    by the way ,   when  both  ADC  is similar  why there is a big difference in price.

    I  think there must be a difference in quality  too since  big companies always check their competitors price . particularity in   similar products

  • hi Vahid,

    that is not necessarily true...

    everything comes from the technology / process in place to produce the parts: the better / newer the technology, the lower the cost of the part and then, as consequence, the price on the market...

    anyway it is the "web" price (only for volumes < 1K), while if we talk about interesting volumes we can provide specific offer, just let me know and I will put you in contact to the right channel...



  • Hi Vincenzo
    I read the both datasheet carefully and there is only  a  bit  better quality (in term of accuracy)  in ad7693, but it dose not deserve to pay that much for.

     I also think about utilizing ADS8885 , but I  need more accurate driver ,
    the problem is I am looking for something like AD8475, AD8251 not only a simple driver,

    I planing  to apply some gain (both manual or digital ) to be able to work with several level of signal inputs,

    Do you have some thing like that in TI products that be appropriate for working with ADS8885 or ADS8865

    Another question is about ADC packaging, it is VSSOP . Is this compatible with MSSOP(AD7693), i saw there is a small difference

    I am going to use 4.096 as voltage reference
    And why TI dosnot recommend REF6241 as voltage reference on ADS8885 datasheet? dose REF6x41 release after ADS8885 last revision .

    thank you

  • hi Vahid,

    you might consider a PGAxxx -like device for the AD/8475 / AD8251 replacement.

    details at  

    at a quick look the PGA280 should work, but yeah have a look filtering out the options you are looking for (# of channels, supply, rating, price, etc.)

    and yes, the two packages you mentioned are actually the same (any company uses its own fancy name)...

    last but not least, yes you are right also about the references: REF6241 was released on 2016, while the ADS8885 was released on 2013



  • hello  dear freind

    how are you

    I am going to  use ADS8865 base on we discussed late   , but  now  i need to redesign it for new application that on it the input voltage   is single-ended (0  v to 4.096 v)

    the ADC vref is connected to 4.096,

    I am going to use a schematic just like  datasheet  (figure 73 , drive adc  with  ths4521) but  I  am not sure  VIN  can be  0 to vref    in this condition

    could  you please make sure  in this circuit ,what could be the input range, (AVDD=3.3v),

    the AVDD on adc  couldn't be more than 3.6volt

    thank  you so much

  • Hi Vincenzo

    How are you?hope you are doing well

    As you may  remember we have talked about using ADS8865 instead of AD7693 , I got your advice and one again thank you fro that

    Now  I want to use ADS8865 but my  input signal is singlended (0v -4.096).but still want to use this ADC in diff mode.

    Base on  my requirement  there is a schematic on device datasheet(figure 73) . I am going to set  Vref to 4.096v  , AVDD=3.3V   and THS4521  VCOM_OUT=Vref/2  THS4521 positive supply to 3.3V just like datasheet

    I want to know  that  can I apply  0-4.096 V to ADC analog input(VIN)? 

    AND  is  there  any specific simulation software that I can evaluate Ths4521 behavior ? I cant find ths4521 on Orcad spice

    thank  you

  • hi Vahid,

    as I will out of office for a while with limited internet access I will ask the BU to suppor you on this topic...
    sorry for the inconvenience

  • OK.

    Thank you. You’re so helpful.

  • hi Vahid,

    I just got back from my long absence...

    I talked with the BU folks and actually you may want to consider the ADS8864 (instead of ADS8865).

    The ADS8864 supports single-ended input and you don't need to use a single-ended to differential circuit like the THS4521.

    The ADS8864 is also pin and software compatible to ADS8865.



  • Hi

    well comeback

    how are  you.

    As we talk later , I already have ADS8865 , ( However   I  prefer    to use  diff  ADC to get more SNR).

    I use ADS8865  both whit  singlended and differential  input   , because of that   in  need  to know how to use it in both mode

    thank  you

  • Hi Vahid

    I'm fine tks

    Yes you can do it as any input of the adc can go from 0 to vref (se) and from -vref to +vref (diff).

    No problem then with your setup.

    The challenge is with the ths, as the signal will be limited by the supply, so in order to get +/-4v out you should use 5v supply instead of 3.3v



  • thank   you  so much

    wouldn't it make a possibility of error when ADC  power and its driver Op Amp power  are not  the same level .

    Don't we need   to make  a protection  for  ADC  inputs  ?

  • no you don't need (see page 3, top of the table, the session ANALOG INPUT of the ADS8865)...
    but if it makes you feel more confortable, you can align everything @ 5V


  • hi all,
    as I will be ooo for a while, could someone take a look at this?
    thanks a lot in advance
  • Hello, Vahid!

    With a 4.096V reference, the ADS8865 has an absolute max input voltage limitation of 4.096V + 0.3V = 4.396V, so your comment about limiting the input to protect the ADC is spot-on. Remember too that the ADS8865 has an AVDD spec that only goes up to 3.6V, so powering it up with 5V would not be good.
    Also, for the THS4521, there is an output swing limitation, even though it can be called a rail-to-rail output. Check the datasheet, but the output can only go to within about 300mV of the positive rail, and down to 100mV above the negative rail when powered up at 5V. In this case, you would have the possibility of applying 4.7V to the ADS8865, which would be above its max of 4.4V.

    Just some things to think about.