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UCC28811: Please help me decide how to reduce the Vout while increase the Iout of this design ?

Part Number: UCC28811
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC28810, TPS40211

Hello, first please forgive me to ask this novice question because I'm very much a rookie at power supply designs.  2nd please understand that I tried to tag the reference design but the message board told me it does not recognize it so I'm posting the link to the reference design in the post itself, the reference design is:

I'm not sure if the link can be properly displayed because it got wrapped  automatically.


Anyway, I'm trying to tune down the output voltage from 50 volts minimum to 36 volts minimum and let it work permanently at that state, also I'm trying to modify the current from 500ma MAX to 2 A MAX or at least 1.5 A.


Note that I do not know if this will work so please speak your mind.


First of all my thoughts on the output voltage:

I looked up the datasheet but to be honest I couldn't find the part dealing with changing output voltage. I understand that you can either modify the turns ratio N of transformers or the duty cycle D. I'm thinking since the input is a variable between 85~305, there must be a pair of resistors or resistor-capasitor combination somewhere that dictates certain pin or pins of the ucc28811 chip (ucc28811  and ucc28810 should be interchangeble I assume? with minor differences?) to adjust the duty cycle (the on time off time of the GDRV pin output signal) (since the turns ratio is fixed) to produce the desired output voltage. So where are such resistor(s) capacitor(s)? Please help me find them so I can tune the output voltage from originally 50 V to 36V, again, I do not know if this is at all possible.


Then let's move on to output current:

To my limited understanding, the maximum output current is limited by the core of the secondary side of the transformer, limiting factors include for example the heat dissipation. So what I'm trying to ask is, since the original design limited the output current at 500mA max, can I change that to 2A or at least 1.5A by replacing the transformer with a more "robust" one? I assume the cost would go up.

Thanks for any advice!

  • Doug,

    To modify this PMP5112 design to fit your application, we do not have a calculator tool to recommend in order to help you size the schematic components. Therefore, I will give you some ideas and then will require you to do some calculations.

    This design is regulating the current through the LED string. The feedback is the voltage on R2 which is input to the VSENSE pin. Changing R2 is one component to adjust for your increase in current level. The reflected output voltage must be enough to keep the Q4 emitter voltage at ~ 12.6 V. This affects the transformer design and the turns ratios as you want to operate down to 36 V LED string voltage.

    Now the increase in output current is going to require you to verify and most likely resize C5, Q1, R13, T1, C1, and D3 component choices because the current rating is dependent on the load current which you are increasing by a factor up to 4. I think the application report "TPS40211 - SEPIC Design for MR-16 LED" can help on the equations you will need to determine the ratings: