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LM25118EVAL: to design similar board with 2 layers

Guru 29700 points
Part Number: LM25118EVAL

Hi Team,

LM25118EVAL consists of 4 layers and 3.45 X 2.65 inches of board size.
My customer considers to design similar board (input: 5-42V, output: 12V / 3A, fsw=300kHz) with 2 layers at same board size.
Is there any thermal issue in this case? 

Best Regards,
Yaita / Japan disty

  • Hello Yaita-san,

    That is theoretically possible but following should be taken in consideration:

    1. thermal performance will be affected. using two layers only greatly impacts thermal performance as there is not sufficient amount of copper to dissipate heat and device operating temperature will increase.
    2. device operating ta higher temperatures may experience reliability issues significantly than device operating ta lower temperature
    3. EMi performance will be affected. Ground layer placed directly underneath top/signal layer has positive effect on resulting EMI performance, So using two layer board may require much more complex and sophisticated filter to achieve comparable performance to two layer board.

    I hope this helps.

