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We are attempting to use the LM5116 to get Vout of 25.2V from Vin of 100V. As we increase Vin from 7V to 28V, Vout increases linearly until it passes 26V. When we increase Vin past 28V, Vout drops to 13V and no longer changes with Vin. We are very interested in knowing why this is happening.
To help understand the problem, we found that the feedback voltage is very noisy (yellow) (green is the SW voltage):
We also found that as we approached the Vin that would cause the Vout to drop, the SW voltage cycle began skipping (green) (yellow is Vout), and Vout is greater than the targeted 25.2V:
Thank you for any help or recommendations.
Best Regards,
Phillip Angell
Hello David,
Thank you for taking time to take a look. We are trying to get 25.2V output and up to 20A. We are using 2 separate boards for the driver and MOSFETs connected through board-to-board headers. We used 2oz copper for the driver board and 4oz copper for the MOSFET board for heat dissipation. I mention this because one of my concerns is signal delay / integrity from using headers. Below are the two schematics, hopefully the port naming should be translatable.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
Best Regards,
Phillip Angell
Hello David,
I was able to make most of the changes you recommended:
However, due to space constraints and immediate availabilty, I am unable to increase the inductor with the desired current rating. I have instead replaced L with a 18uH / 1A inductor for testing, and C6 has changed from 330pF to 1.2nF. Because the inductor is only rated for 1A, I have put a 33 Ohm load at the output to limit the current.
We also increased the switching frequency from 180kHz to 300kHz (by reducing Rt to 10k), and saw some improvement.
I did check the timing between the gate output of the driver and the gates of the MOSFETs and found there was no noticeable delay, so the use of the headers to connect the driver to the rest of the circuit does not seem to be an issue.
When I test the circuit with these changes I get an output of 21V (21.1-21.4) when Vin is between 24V and 28V. After 28V, the output begins to fluctuate similar to the symptoms we got before it failed previously. (Yellow is the high side MOSFET gate, green is Vout)
Thank you in advance for any insight you can provide.
Best Regards,
Hello Phillip,
Thanks for the response.
Have you followed the layout guide lines in the datasheet. To make it easier for you. Please refer to the attached and let me know if the layout is in accordence with the recomendations therein?
Hello David,
The layout guidelines in the datasheet were followed as closely as possible, but I was unaware of the additional floorplan.
There are a few small variances from the floor plan you linked:
Would it be possible to set up a phone dialog regarding the design?
Best Regards,