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TPS25926: Recommended Range of ILIM resistor

Part Number: TPS25926

Hi there,

There is inconsistency in the statements of ILIM in the TPS259260 datasheet. The description in feature & table doesn't match.

It's showing RILIM needs to be equal to or less than 130 kohm in the first page while showing the maximum ILIM resistance is 162 kohm in the table.

Could you please clarify it? Thank you!

Best regards,

Roy Hsu

  • Hi Roy Hsu,

    Thanks for reaching out!.
    The ILIM resistance can be used up to 162 kohm. The data point mentioned on the First page corresponds to the UL test case during evaluation for certification. Let me know if you need any clarification in selecting the ILIM resistor value for your system.

    Best Regards,