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TPS65131-Q1: TPS65131-Q1 Power ON/OFF Secquence question

Part Number: TPS65131-Q1


Our client use TPS65131-Q1 , but we don't find about power on/off sequence,

and our client fine tune power on/off secquence as  below chart, has any suggestion.

power on secquence as below chart:

power off  secquence as below chart:

If any question, Please advise me.


Best regards,


  • Hello Lawrence,

    TPS65131-Q1 has 2 output voltages VPOS and VNEG. Both can be controlled by independent ENx signals. ENP enables the boost converter creating VPOS and ENN enables the inverting buck-boost converter creating VNEG.

    The same is valid for power off, but after disabling the outputs, the IC will not discharge the output capacitors.

    Best regards,