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Dear E2E :
i Read TPS1H100Q1 Ver.B Datasheet , Some spec i was a little confused.
a. 7.1 Absolute maximum Ratings ---- Continuous drain current (Internally limitied A);
b. 7.3 Recommended Operationg Conditions-----Nominal DC Load current (0-4A);
Operating Junction Temperture range -40 to 150.C
Does Nominal load current can reach 4.5A or 5A when Junction temperture range below 150.c.
for example: Rcs=Vcs/Ics=4*500/5=400 Ω; Rcl=1.233*2000/10=250Ω。 (VS=12V)
I want to know , it's ok or not ?
thanks a lot.
The limitation is in peak current and junction temperature. There is no issue for limiting the current to 5A. But you have to consider the thermal Tj - Ta = THETAja x Ron x square(IOUT).
Tjmax = 150C, Ron at 150C = 166mOhm, and load current = 5A, that means the max ambient temperature = 150C - 41C/W x 0.166Ohm x square(5A).
Ta(max) = 150C - 170C = -20C.
The device can not run at 5A in steady state because it will shutdown immediatly.
The copper area is the area of the ground plan that is connected to power pad through vias. This plan is a heat sink. I hope this answers your question.