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BQ27541: Windows 10 - EV2400 + Old BQ27541EVM connection issues

Part Number: BQ27541
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: EV2400, BQEVSW, BQSTUDIO

My customer is having problems with getting his new Windows-10 PC to connect/recognize the EV2400 + Old BQ27541EVM (non -G1, non -V200).

Redesigning their unit for a newer -G1 or -V200 version of the IC/Gauge is not an option at this time. They need to evaluate a new battery though - and verify they can use the old battery Golden File with the new battery.

Any guidance on getting the Windows-10 machine to talk to the EV2400 & old bq27541EVM?

Would installing the bqEVSW installer for all bq275xx devices (Rev. C)  (ZIP File 65.39 MB), 05 Mar 2013  help?


  • hi Mark,
    we have recieved reports of windows 10 computers not working with bqstudio. i would advice your customer seeks a win 7 computer as our tools team only tested bqstudio with win 7 as that was the environment it was designed in.
