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Writing DFI File at production.

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ27510, BQ27510-G2



I have a bq27510 EVM and an MSP430 microcontroller connected via I2C. I have succesfully communicated to the gauge and have read values such as control status, flags, temperature, voltage, etc.

On the other side, I have generated a DFI file for the cells I'm planning to use using the appropriate app note (slua449d)

Right now, I'm trying to write the DFI file via I2C. I have already managed to upload the data to the microcontroller, so now I have to reproduce the flowcharts on figures 8, 9 and 10 of slua449d.

The thing is, this flowcharts are a rather large sequence of undocummented commands for erasing and writing the data flash (this is called "ROM mode" in the datasheet). I'd like to know if is there any other tool to help code and debug the DFI write process, such as:


- Code samples

- Explanations of what do these commands mean, or what outcome should be expected of them

- Sequence of command types to generate a read the golden pack info stored in the gauge. this might be a intermediate step and also could give final verification of uploaded data


Any of these would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance!




  • Jose,

    First, I would check out application note SLUA541.  This application note talks about how to do the sort of thing you are working on.  It references a program called "FlashStream.".  This program effectively takes a DFI and produces an ASCII script of I2C Reads and Writes that you can use any platform to program.

    The FlashStream program has not been publicly released yet, as it has not passed our SQM process.  However, if you're interested, you can friend me and I'll send you the file directly.




  • This script is great Charles, thanks a lot!!

    Now I'd like to check if I'm doing everithing alright:

    I have run the following:

        flashstream bq27510_g2_1_23.senc -dfi:_0510_0111_GOLDEN.dfi -comments

    - I have two outputs: a dffs file and a bqfs file. What are their meanings? Which one should I use?

    - The scripts have basically three messages, I interpret "W" as write "C" as read and check and "X" as wait for N milliseconds. Am I right?

    - The senc file to use corresponds to the lastest version or to the one used at the actual chip?


    Thanks in advance for any help.


    Best Regards,





  • The DFFS file contains just the script to update the dataflash only.  This assumes you will be programming it on an IC that already has a matching version of firmware loaded into instruction flash.

    The BQFS file contains both dataflash and instruction flash info.  It can be used if you need to simultaneously upgrade the instruction flash to the latest firmware version and program your custom dataflash.

    Your inputs lead me to believe that your output might be unusable since the senc and dfi versions don't appear to match.

    flashstream bq27510_g2_1_23.senc -dfi:_0510_0111_GOLDEN.dfi -comments

    It looks like you are merging a bq27510-G2 (v1.23) SENC file with a bq27510 (v1.11) DFI file. Programming this onto your gauge will brick it!

    You need to use a bq27510 (v1.11) SENC file instead.  Alternatively, you need to upgrade/obtain a bq27510-G2 (v1.23) version of your DFI file.

    See SLUA453A for info on how to upgrade your DFI file.

  • OOps!! Seems I'm messing thing up a bit. Thanks a lot for the explanation.

    I'd like to verify then the neccessary steps to have at production the lastest firmware with matching dfi file:

    As I undesrtand what you are saying, the steps involved would be:

    1) Update firmware from 1.11 to 1.23 using bqEasy, using the dfi file that I currently have, following the steps given in SLUA453A

    2) Save the updated dfi file and re-run flashstream with this new file

    3) Use the steps given in the BQFS file to program bq27510 in production

    Please confirm if this is correct.

    Best Regards,



  • Jose,

    You are correct and pretty much have the gist of what you need to do.

    Only one clarification: you will updated using the instructions of SLUA453A, but you must program the .SENC file, not the .DFI file.  The .SENC contains the firmware that the gauge runs, while the DFI file contains only configuration parameters.  Note, however, that a DFI file will only work with the firmware that it for which it was created.

    Once you have the latest SENC and DFI file, you use flashstream to generate a BQFS and DFFS file. Since it seems that the parts that you have have V1.11 firmware, you will need to program the BQFS file. 



  • Charles,

    I correctly understood that I need to upgrade firmware with the SENC file but I thought that my DFI file would be upgraded in the process. I'm glad I've made these questions since  they saved me a lot of time and also prevented me from bricking the gauge.

    Thank you very much,


  • Hi Charles,

    I would like to habe the "FlashStream" Program but i have the same Problem to resolve as Jose. can you send me the Program?

    kind regards



  • I will forward it to you directly.


  • Hello Charles.

    Thank you for your Response,

    i got the Link of the Program but i can´t open it, i get a error Messege also a Server Error, can you help me?

    Best Regards,


  • Hello everyone,

    I have some questions about the upgrading of the DFI on the BQ27510-G2

    1) Excuse me , can you send me the FlashStream file?


    2) Is it possible to upgrade the BQ27510-G2 gauge with a DFI generated with the BQ27500-V1.3 (mounted on the  BQ27500EVM)? I'm asking this because i've seen the internal LDO as the only difference between these two versions of the gauge?


    Thank you very much,


    Davide Gavioli

    EGICON Srl

  • Hi dMax,

    I have sent you a friend request. Could you please provide me with FlashStream tool and a test application(if there is any) that can be used to flash .bqfs and .dffs to the bq27410. Any related documentation will also be helpful.
