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TPS2543: Configuration / Mode control Questions

Part Number: TPS2543
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2546

Hi Team,

My customer start to consider TPS254x on thier applications. Then there are general questions as below. Could you support?


Kotaro Yamashita


Q1: TPS2543, TPS2546

They understand /STATUS signal are used for load detect feature. If they don’t use this function, they can set CTL1-3 configuration that don’t require /STATUS output?



Can OUT pin support 5V connection when EN = H or L? They concern about miss connection. Is there any issue on this configuration? E.g. damaged device or reverse current OUT to IN and so on.



When device enter DCP Auto mode, this condition can’t detect CDP, isn’t it?



When device enter CDP mode(CTL1-3 = H), They think Apple device which require 2.1A charge current can’t success hand shake. Is it correct?

In this case, Is max charging current is ILIM?

They expected device limit 1.5A(=ILIM) current when 2.1A required device will be connected.



Currently this application only care about SDP mode(USB memory), however they would like to support CDP mode(tablet PC etc.) with BC1.2 controller. So, can they change SDP mode to CDP mode thought CTL1-3 configuration? If so, is there any sequence?


Q6: cont-Q5

Can TPS254x detect SDP or CDP required device? What is the usage of two level current thresholds which device has?

They would like to detect USB memory or Tablet PC and would like to set current limit as 0.5A or 1.5A.



 Can TPS254x offer fault information of CDP hand shake to HOST? If can’t, is there any way to detect this information?



  • Hello Kotaro

    Q1: Correct, you do not need to use STATUS output to set the configuration via CTL1-3.

    Q2: The TPS254x family of device does not support reverse current protection, so if a larger voltage is applied on VBUS, you will damage the device. This should never be the case, but if your customer is afraid of a higher voltage being applied on VBUS they can use a device such as the TPD1S514-1. If 5V is presented on VBUS while EN = L, this should not cause any issues.

    Q3: Correct. The charger (TPS254x) will only advertise DCP charging modes, and then determine if it needs to switch to non-compliant charging schemes such as Divider 1 and 1.2V charging modes.

    Q4: The Apple device should recognize that it is connected to a CDP charging device, and pull only 1.5A of current.

    Q5: Yes, they will just change the CTL1-3 configuration. Please refer to Figure 3 within the datasheet

    Q6: There is no way to detect whether a tablet or USB memory device is connected. Both will be compatible with SDP or CDP modes, only the CDP mode will offer a higher current capability.

    Q7: What do you mean by fault information of CDP handshake? The TPS254x cannot share any fault information to the device connected and vice versa.

    Let me know if this answered your questions. If so, please click THIS RESOLVED MY ISSUE

  • Hi Adam,

    Q2: If 5V applied at VOUT when VIN = 0V, does it cause damage? or does any voltage reverse to VIN?

    Q5: Is there any sequence requiremet? They understood TPS2543 can sample CTL1-3 status after POR. Can they change CTL1-3 configuration any time?

    Kotaro Yamashita
  • Hello Kotaro,
    Q2: This should not occur unless the TPS2543 is completely powered off and 5V is applied on VBUS. There is an internal FET that separates VBUS from VIN (functional block diagram) so if the device is not powered, VBUS is at 0V, and an external 5V is applied to on VBUS this will not back feed voltage to VIN. However, if the voltage rises above 7V, then the part will become damaged as this is the max voltage level that can be applied on VBUS.

    Q5: Correct, you can change the CTL configuration at anytime