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UC1524 and UC1524A

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UC1524A, UC3524

We have questions about UC1524A.

Question 1.

Please tell us the difference between UC1524 and UC1524A.

Question 2.

Please give us the newest datasheet of  UC1524AJ-883B.

We found the datasheet by webpage.

Is this correct?

Best regards,

Takahiro Nishizawa

  • Hey Takahiro,


    The A version of the part added features such as UVLO and double pulse suppression.

    The non-A version is not offered anymore, but the changes are listed in the UC1524A datasheet first page.


    If datasheet you linked is the one from than yes that is the correct datasheet.



  • Thank you for your support!
    We have new questions.

    Question 1.
    In UC3524(UC1524) datasheet,
    Figure 2 : There are two descriptions about CT=0.003µF.
    Figure 3 : The unit of capacitance is not μF but F.
    Datasheet : Capacitance changes with places. (µF, nF, mfd)

    Are these statement correct?
    Is the above description also applicable to UC1524A if question 1 is correct?

    Question 2.
    In datasheet p.6 of UC3524(UC1524) "OSCILLATOR" ,
    F=1.18 / RTCT
    This frequency is the frequency of OSC output (datasheet p.1 block diagram).
    Is this understanding correct?

    Are this description and the formula also applicable to UC1524A?

    Question 3.
    In UC3524(UC1524) datasheet Figure 3,
    Dead Time=Blanking pulse width.

    What is the Blanking pulse width?
    Is it different from "Output Pulse width"?

    Is the description of Figure.3 also applicable to UC1524A?

    Best regards,
    Takahiro Nishizawa
  • Hey Takahiro,

    1. It is likely uF. Anything on this datasheet may or may not apply to the UC1524A. Please refer to the UC1524A datasheet.

    2. I believe so, yes. Anything on this datasheet may or may not apply to the UC1524A. Please refer to the UC1524A datasheet.

    3. Blanking pulse width is described on page 4 and 6. UC1524A has a different figure deadtime graph in the datasheet.

