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UCD3138: UCD3138

Part Number: UCD3138
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD7138, UCC24612, UCC28780,

I need to swim across this vast amount of info regarding LLC converter using UCD31348, LMG3410 & sync rectifier with UCD7138 ..but I am in a storm so to speak.

I have already written a few questions I think we would like to discuss..

But now I notice the eval kit used UCD7138, a 6A driver for EPC2024!

Why would this be needed if the scheme is not different from the application of UCC24612 ? Where a diode drop equivalent is sensed to derive sync timing that application, of course, a MOSFET is used with  power flow in reverse direction ( i.e. source to drain)

We are already using that for another module where we use EPC2024 as well! With the help of EPC app, we figured out how to to use UCC24612 for the sync drive of 5V( you can trace that conversation in the posts)

 Seems to me the same can be used here excepting the floating drive power: we can manage that!

Appreciate any help in this matter.

  • Hello Robin,

    An expert is looking into this and will get back to you.

  • Thanks. Meanwhile, there are so many LLC apps in TI website!

    Does the PMP20289 LLC have a firmware available?

    How can I download that?

    I notice there is one 


    This firmware seems downloadable after "approval".  Can this one be modified to suit our purpose?


    Meanwhile, we are developing our prelim schematics- which will hardly depend upon all the details.


  • Appreciate that!

    One more thing one has to observe in  UCD7138 app: it uses EPC2024 which has no "body diode" as in a MOSFET. The reverse conduction-- 3rd quadrant-- is then assumed to have conduction with a very low voltage across D-S...OR  we use an external diode to force the startup condition to prevail.

    We have done so in another app using EPC2034( in UCC28780 case of sync rectifier, so far, design -fab phase, not tested although we can modify the eval kit & find out)

    We would really push using GaN all over- of course with a good understanding of the various modes/phases of operation.

    So let us explore how this will work with EPC2024 /UCD7138 in sync rectification case.



  • One more thing!

    I notice that the UCD7138  hook up at the rectifier side has 2 different ground connections.

    See the attached pdf.PMP20289LLC_SYNC_GND.pdf

    How is that going to work?

    In case of EPC3024 especially, the drain side has to be at the  return path as this is the clear controllable config I think( do not know how the MOSFET case can be controlled in the 3rd quadrant). The Source side is at the xmfr. So one has to have a diode inserted across the EPC3024 device, no?

    In any event, would appreciate a quick resolution to this as well.



  • HELP!

    I am waiting for the expert to answer.

    Meanwhile, I get a fury of replies from TI "customer service" with "request denied" repeatedly printed because "I was asking for export control" or some such absurd idea!

    All I am looking to download is the UCD3138 control code for the LLC for PMP20289 application. I  do not know what triggered suddenly a screen where you have to read things only a lawyer can understand...but the thing is mighty simple: a download of the CCS files! Everything else is downloadable such as sch, gerbers on & on...somehow I cannot find how to get the ccs files.

    Is it the  Digital Fusion website? If so what would be ID for the CCS project associated with PMP20289 LLC converter with 400v input, 12V @ 500W output?

     I will appreciate if someone can point that out.


  • Sorry, it is late to reply. I am not familiar with UCC24612. I would like you to open a different thread and use UCC24612 as part number. Application engineer to take charge of this part will give you an answer.