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UC3846: test circuit

Part Number: UC3846

hello everyone ;

ı wanna design a converter with uc3846.But first tried to make a test circuit to see the output PWM signals.ı made all calculations and drawing .(ı will put them below) but ı can see anything.

ı couldnt understand whats wrong.can someone help me please?


dead time =1,62uS


  • Hi Serkan, I will get back to you soon.——Teng

  • Hi Serkan,

    Sorry for the delay. Your test circuit seems good.

    Here is my suggestions.

    1. Try to add a RC circuit at CS pin to provide a ramp at CS+ pin.

    2. Ensure -E/A pin (Pin6) voltage is smaller than +E/A pin (Pin 5)  voltage, and COMP pin (Pin 7) has a voltage larger than 1.5V.

    If  it still doesn't work, please provide the voltage of  VREF pin, EA+ pin, EA- pin and COMP pin and provide the waveform of CT pin and CS+ pin. So that I can help you further.



  • Hi Serkan, I haven’t heard back from you, I’m assuming you were able to resolve your issue. If not, just post a reply below (or create a new thread if the thread has locked due to time-out) – thanks, Teng