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TPS25200: Vin/Vout, current limit setting question.

Part Number: TPS25200

Hi, TI member,

We are surveying for TI/TPS25200DRVR and have below question.

Would you mind to help us for below question?

1. Could TI/TPS25200DRVR use  for Vin/Vo:3.3V and  Vin/Vo:5V?


Vin=3.3V, Vout=3.3V?

Vin=5V, Vout=5V?

3.If it happens over current/voltage/temperature, TI/TPS25200DRVR will cutoff Vout and output signal.

Is my description correct?

4.Is the threshold of over voltage fixed?

(1)If Vin=3.3V, how is the threshold of over voltage?

(2)If Vin=5V,how is the threshold of over voltage?

5.Is the current limit setting method the same of  Vin/Vout:3.3V and Vin/Vout:5V?6.Is the current limit setting

6.Is the current limit setting be below equation?(RILIM)

Thank you.