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BP51C-4A Old DIP DC DC Converter or Battery Charger?

here is a link to a similar product albeit not Texas Instruments :

This IC is a 8-PDIP IC in an old Texas Instruments/Radio Shack calculator I think from the 80s or 90s as in made for Radio Shack by Texas Instruments.  It is the battery pack on a small PCB with a moderate sized electrolytic capacitor and inductor of unknown value, a 1n4004 diode , and a 1ohm or 0.1 ohm power resistor probably 2-3W.  the board is powered by 9Vac from a wall wart it has 2 AA probably NICAD batteries attached in series, which leaked VERY badly.  I could find the model number for the calculator and probably the battery pack too but I wasn't sure if they would be nessacery.   Ultimately What I am looking for is a datasheet or some information like that as a way to find out what voltage to power the calculator with since the battery pack is shot and I don't want to risk run the calculator on straight AC. again the Part # is BP51C-4A  and it is in a 8-PDIP. 

Thanks for any help!