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BQ25616: Behaviour of the IC when no battery is connected and the adapter is plugged

Part Number: BQ25616


We are planning to use part#BQ25616J in one of our new designs. Please clarify below query on the same.

When the charge enable CE pin is pulled low permanently, what will be the behaviour of output when no battery is present and input power adapter is connected? will it be stable?

Just want to have a clear understanding on behaviour of the device without battery. Without a battery present will the IC be able to support a steady voltage at the output?

We need to have our unit working from power adapter directly without a battery present. Please explain.

Thanks & Regards,

Gopi Krishnan K

  • Hey Gopi, 

    When the adapter is present without a battery is present, and charge is enabled, the charger continually cycles through the charge profile, from CV-->termination-->recharge and so on. 

    What that means is that the voltage ripple on VBAT (and subsequently) VSYS is dependent on the deglitch time of each mode, namely the termination deglitch time and the recharge deglitch time. See the EC table parameters: tTERM_DGL and tRECHG_DGL.


    Joel H