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BQ24157EVM-697: BQ24157EVM-697 evaluation board

Part Number: BQ24157EVM-697
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24266, BQ24157, BQ25616, BQ25611D

Dear Sir/Madam

We have just purchased the above evaluation module.

Unfortunately, we are having difficulty in setting up the communication between the PC and the TI  USB Interface Adaptor that connects to the evaluation module.

We are running Windows 7 on the PC, Windows 7 can't  find a suitable driver for the adaptor.

Would you know why this is?....Do we need to install a suitable driver for the adaptor?...If so, where can we get hold of one ?

Thank a lot

Kindest regards


  • Hi Para,

    The USBTOGPIO adapter (HPA172) is a fairly generic USB HID device and shouldn't need a special driver, especially for a Windows 7 machine. Does the green light turn on when you plug it in?  If not, if you try another port and/or PC, does it turn on. 



  • Hi Jeff,

    Thank you so much for getting back to me.

    I have just tried different USB ports on my PC (6 of them) and Windows attempts to install a driver for the device each time but fails.

    The green LED however remains off all the time.

    I also tried a Windows 10 machine but unfortunately with the same result.



  • Para,

    Is this a new HPA172 USB interface box or have you used it with another TI device in the past?



  • Hi Jeff,

    This is a brand new HPA172...straight out of the box.

    It hasn't been used with any other TI device.



  • Para,

    I apologize for you issues with the HPA172.  Unfortunately, I do not have a solution.  I asked others and searched the e2e forum but could not find a solution.  Can I help you design in another device?  We have much newer, more efficient and feature-rich 1S chargers.  If so, can you provide

    input voltage

    Charge current

    OTG current if used



  • Hi Jeff

    OK understood, no problem...and thank you so much for the offer for help with a new device....and  we would be most grateful if you can suggest a suitable device.

    Our original design was based on the TI BQ24266 device, but we were informed that these were not suitable for new design as they are obsolete.

    So we are really looking for replacement for BQ24266 but with much lower quiescent current (when not charging) as battery life on our product is at a premium

    So if we can keep the quiescent current in the region of the newer device the BQ24157 which is around 27uA that would be perfect for us!

    We just need a simple device we can plug in and use without requiring software configuration or status read (as was the case for the BQ24266)

    The battery we are using is an ANSMANN 3.7V Li-Ion battery pack with nominal discharge current of 5200mAh

    I have attached the data sheet for the battery.

    If you can suggest alternatives then i can discuss these with the team here and we can move forward.

    OTG USB is not critical as we provide a separate charger that can plug into our product for powering up the equipment as well as charging the battery

    Thanks  a lot...much appreciated!

    Kindest regardsAnsmann 2447-3033-01 Battery Pack.pdf


  • Hi Para,

    For standalone (no I2C communication by host), I recommend BQ25616.  If you have host communication, you can use the BQ25611D.  



  • Hi Jeff,

    The BQ25616 seems perfect for our needs.

    Thank you for all your help...much appreciated.

    I think we can close this case now.

    Kindest regards
