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TPS54202: Slope compensation voltage

Part Number: TPS54202
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS54308,

Hi Team,

My customer would like to know the slope compensation voltage value and the current detection resistance value.

Let me know as the representative value is also acceptable.

Best Regars,


  • Kenji,

    Sorry, I can't disclose the internal parameters here. What's the purpose to know the slope compensation value and current detection value? If for customer's modeling, only having those two data is not enough. I suggest to download the Psipce model or use WEBENCH model to run the simulation. 

  • Hi Ryan,

    Thank you for your support.

    Customers request for designing loop gain characteristics.

    I found that it was posted on E2E that Webench cannot simulate Bode plot.

    Since the output is 15V, the reference circuit example does not apply.

    Also, they do not want to enter PFM mode as much as possible, so they must be designed with control in mind.

    We look forward to your information.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Kenji,

    You could get the reference circuit for the 15V output through the WEBENCH model. Basically, it would work well. The TPS54202 is an ECO-mode version part. If customer want to keep it working in DCM or CCM, there should always have some loading at the output side. You can also have a look at the TPS54308, which is a FPWM part.


  • Hi Ryan,

    I was late to contact you.

    We have confirmed the desired behavior of the customer. Can you get some advice from you?

    ・ PFM operation when less than 200mA.

    ・ At 5MHz, want to suppress back ripple within 40mA (@ IL = 200mA)

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Kenji,

    You can try with a lower inductance to see if the skip point could be low down to 200mA. But using a lower inductance means large ripple at the output side, it will be not good for your second target.

    Anyway, i would suggest you to use a FPWM part here like the TPS54308.