I have started to prototype the LM3450AEV120V30 evaluation board. I could not find the original xformer (750813651) on the design so I decided to use 760871333 from the same manufacturer (WE).
I connected all three output winding is series to get 36V on the output. Based on that, I changed resistor R81 to (1.24V*105kOhm)/(36V-1.24V)=3.74kOhm. After these changes, I found the VOUT and also the PBIAS and SBIAS are oscillating. To stabilize the feedback loop and the error amplifier, I reduced R77 to 10kOhm based on recommendation on page 21 of the evaluation board User's Guide as per below.
"Since it is usually desirable to maximize bandwidth (within the PFC limitation), there is a simple method to adjust the R77 value. Measure the twice-line frequency ripple on COMP. If the ripple is less than 200-300mV, increase R77 until it is within that range. If the ripple is larger, then decrease R77 until it is within that range. This will result in a very small PFC degradation, while maximizing bandwidth of the control loop."
It helped to diminish the oscillation to only the startup time or when I change the triac dimming. After few seconds the oscillation vanishes and it stabilizes the above-mentioned voltages. However, these voltages are still less that what they should be. For BPIAS and SBIAS, the values are expected to be 12.5V while they are around 8-9V and the VOUT is around 20V rather than 36V.
I appreciate if you can help to point me on what might cause the stabilization issue and also the voltage are less than what they are expected to be.
Thank you,