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TPS65295: dimensions?

Part Number: TPS65295

In the current data sheet, which set of package dimension drawings are we supposed to use?  There are two.  Also, the dimensions for the locations of pins 7, 8,9, 16, 17,18 are not clear.  What are their distances from the package center line in the y-axis?

  • James,

    In the packaging addendum, there is only one drawing for the IC package dimensions.  It is on page 31.  Page 32 shows an example PCB footprint and page 33 shows an example solder stencil.  The drawing appears to be fully dimensioned.  Pins 8 and 17 are located on the center line.  Pins 7 and 9 are centered 0.45 mm each side of the center line.  Pins 16 and 18 are centered 0.65 mm each side of the center line.

  • There are two sets of drawings, the first set you mentioned, the other set is on pages 36, 37, 38.  I don't see where it states that pins 16 and 18 are 0.65mm from the center line.  Plus, the the distances I was referring to were from the horizontal center line.

  • James,

    It surprised me.  I was not expecting to see additional pages after the blank page.  Mechanical information is automatically appended to our datasheets and while not common, the mechanism occasionally breaks down and there are extra or missing pages.  I did check the official TI EVM layout and it uses the footprint suggested on page 32 which corresponds to the dimensions of page 31.  I don't normally support TPS65295, but as you can see in the header to this reply, I spend a lot of time on these forums.  Let me see if I can track down someone to confirm and correct the datasheet.

  • I'd appreciate a resolution soon, as one set of drawings has some dimensions that differ from the other set of drawings.  I have an engineer who's waiting for me to create this part in our library.

  • James,

    I have alerted my team member in China.  He should respond over night.  I am reasonably sure about my answer, but it will be best to get a confirmation.  I will send him an independent email with a link to this as well.

  • James,

    For 16/18 pin, they are same with pin2~5 and pin11~14 for length.

    For foot print reference, please use RJE0018B, RJE0018A in page 36 is error link and will be removed.
