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BQ27520-G4: I2C fail safe function of BQ27520-G4

Part Number: BQ27520-G4

Our customer is considering VREGIN will connect to the battery (3.2V to 4.2V) directly..

(this configuration is general, as shown in the reference circuits such as data sheets)

Their concern in this case is that the fuel gauge IC cannot start when the battery is completely discharged.

On the other hand, MCU is active  supplied from the AC adapter.

At this time, they would like to check  whether the breakdown voltage (tolerant) of I2C port of BQ27520-G4 to  MCU become  a problem.(broken??) or not.

If  BQ27520-G4  has fail safe feature etc for such a case , it should be '' no problem "  

Though this configuration seems to be widely adopted by other companies,  could you give us your comment about it ?

Best regards
