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TPS25982: TPS259827ONRGET doesn't turned on for Automotive Bulb Load (12V/35W)

Part Number: TPS25982

Hello All,

I have used efuse TPS259827ONRGET in my project for protecting the sensor power from short circuit.

But i have facing an issue with the efuse (TPS259827ONRGET).

I have Configured the load switch in following configuration :

1. Current limit for 11..2A (Rlim = 130E ).

2. Itimer Capacitor 47nF used (22mSec).

3. Slew rate dv/dt capacitor = 8.2nF

I have tested with the Automotive DC bulb (12V/Watts) for the load test.

When the load switch is turned on I didn't get the voltage at the output (12V)and also didn't get the power good fault.

Kindly let me know your valuable comments.

Thanks and Regards,
Mohamed Sidiq.H

  • Hi ,

    During startup, there will be power dissipation in the FET = (Vin- Vout)x IFET

    The current flowing in the FET = Current required to charge the capacitor + Current to the load  (in this case the bulb)

    If the power dissipation is high enough to increase the temperature beyond Thermal shutdown threshold, the device turns OFF.

    So, we generally recommend to startup without load and then enable load using PG.

    For more information please refer to ' Case 2: Start-Up With Load: Output Capacitance COUT and Load Draw Current' section in the datasheet.