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UCC28056: Brown-in/Brown-out

Part Number: UCC28056


Good day. I hope you are well.

Our customer wants to know if the UCC28056 has a brown-in function, How about the brown-out? They want to design a brown-out circuit, but cannot find any information at the datasheet about this. They can see brown-in only.

If this has no brown-out, we would appreciate if you could suggest a FFF for this device.

Thank you and stay safe.



  • We have assigned and application engineer to this issue and they should be getting back to you shortly.


  • Hi Cedrick,

    thanks for your interest in UCC28056.

    You are correct, there is brown in function but no brown out in UCC28056.

    If custermer wants have brown out, I suggest maybe downstream controller can do this,like most of Flyback controller.

    Also there is a TIDA-010038 reference design includes the external brown out circuit on UCC28056. The link to the schematic is: