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BQ27520-G4: gpcrb output concern

Part Number: BQ27520-G4
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: GPCRB,


Customer are using BQ27520-G4 in low temp such as -20°C, so they use gpcrb to optimize the low temp performance.You can check the materials in

Below are their concerns,

1. In below picture, there are 2 Qmax cell, they want to know which Qmax is Qmax in low temp.

2. What is the function of T rise and T Time constant?

3. In the gpcrb output T rise is 0.75, but when write 0.75 to BQ27520-G1, it will display format is not right, customer must write a integer, so they write 1 rather then 0.75. This operation is right?

4. In GPC_report.txt, “Ra0_ch, mOhm : 122 This firmware is not explicitly supporting Ra0_ch, FCC drop could occur at low temperatures if used”,what does it mean? Whether it means that BQ27540-G4 don't support low temp?

Best Regards,

Rock Su

  • Hello Rock,

    The Qmax that is updated should be within the .gg file that was sent with the report.

    The T parameters modify the constants used in thermal calculations in the gauge, it allows for better gauging.

    I believe that it is only an integer so this should be fine, when you upload the .gg file given does it automatically set to 1?

    I think since this is an older gauge it doesn't support that specific parameter, the other adjustments should still help.


    Wyatt Keller

  • Hi Keller,

    Thanks for your reply!

    But very sorry, I and custoemr are very confused...

    So could you please answer my question directly and 1 by 1? 

    1. This picture just describe which specs we want to know. Qmax cell 0 and Qmax cell 1, which one is Qmax in low temp?

    2. So  T rise and T Time how to influence gauge ?

    3. Please see the gbcrb output, it is 0.75, but when write 0.75 to BQ27520-G4, it will display format is not right, customer must write a integer, so customer write 1. 

    4. What "it doesn't support that specific parameter, the other adjustments should still help" means? Whether it means that BQ27540-G4 don't support low temp? What should customer do?

    Thanks a lot!

    Best Regards,

    Rock Su

  • Hello Rock,

    The Qmax should've been updated in the .gg, please check which value changed from the one you submitted.

    T rise and T time are used to help calculate RemCap and FCC at colder temperatures, we have the GPCRB because it's not necessary to include cold temp support on all gauges.

    Can you share screenshots of the error when 0.75 is uploaded?

    I would test with the parameters that are given to make sure the gauge performs well, I would recommend this even for GPCRB updates that did not show this message.


    Wyatt Keller