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LMZ14203H: Request review design(-18V)?

Part Number: LMZ14203H


Customer designed it through WEBENCH.(Refer to below)


Vin:18V / Vout:-18v

However, if the power is applied, the  IC dies immediately.

I think -18V is set to GND, which is more than EN's rating. Am I right?

If you're right, is there a way to 18v of output?


  • Hi David,

     1. The maximum voltage of EN to GND is 7V.So It‘s OK here.

     2. Is the 18V input stable? 18V in/-18V out  meanings the internal MOSFET need to withstand 36V, whose maximum voltage is 43.5V. So if the input is unstable or the user do hot swap, it will be dangerous.

        Have you adjust the circuit and tried a lower input voltage for test?

     3.What’s the output current? 

