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BQ24075: Pin settings

Part Number: BQ24075

Hi team,

My customer is evaluating BQ24075, could you help confirm below questions about pin settings?

1. It is used for a max. 630mA battery, so ISET = 630mA, ILIM = system consumption current + 630mA?

2. Can we connect TS to the battery NTC pin directly? this battery has a 10k internal NTC resistor.

3. How to set the TMR? Will the default settings be enough?

4. If we don't need SYSOFF and CE pins, can we connect them to GND directly?

5. According to the datasheet, this IC has reverse current protection, but I cannot find it from the block diagram. If IN is OPEN, and system is powered by battery, will IN show battery voltage due to the body diode of Q1?

