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I have a question about the max count of sampler2D or samplerCube in frag shader.
I want to achieve the pbr car model, so i need to have some sampler2D or samplerCube in frag shader;
but when the count is 12 which sampler2D and samplerCube ;
shader will link error;
why is this? and how can i do to resolved it?
There is a limit beyond which you cannot go. You can get this by using glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, &max_texture units)
hi Hemant:
thanks for your reply.
the max count is 8, have some method to change the max count? I want to use about 16 texture.
and i also want to use glGenerateMipmap(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) and
textureCubeLod or texture2DLod in frag shader, but now is alse don't support.
would you have any method to resolved it?
We cannot change the number of max texture image units. You could try and use multiple programs. If you have specific questions about how to use certain features on the graphics hardware, we recommend asking in powervr developer forums: