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AM5728: GLSL version support

Part Number: AM5728


   I'm doing glsl coding.  I can't use gl_FrontColor or gl_Color from Vertex and Fragment shader.

   The "Version 110 to 330", that describe in front of glsl file, it always cause a 'Version not supported" error when running the app.

So, what the AM5728 on Linux support?

Could u give me the exactly version? and the coding language spec file?

  • Hello,

    Please run the following commands to find the supported version:

    root@am57xx-evm:~# /etc/init.d/weston stop
    Stopping Weston
    root@am57xx-evm:~# eglinfo | grep -i "shading"
     GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.00 build 1.17@4948957 

    Also, TI did not design the GLSL language and I recommend you to please refer to online documents related to OpenGL ES/GLSL.


  • Thx Krunal.

    That's helpful.