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What is the difference between DRA821U Cold Reset and Warm Reset? Refer to the Cold Reset from PMIC and Warm Reset from External on the circuit.
I know that both the Main Domain and the MCU Domain have these two Reset mechanisms.
Is it necessary to connect Cold Reset and Warm Reset on the hardware?
Cold reset: Occurs on device power up (POR). Upon cold reset, it is assumed the device is being powered up, and therefore, everything in the device is being reset. That is, cold resets must be considered as global resets.
Warm reset: Warm reset types are not necessarily applied globally within device. Also, a module can use a warm reset to reset a subset of its logic. This is often done to speed up reset recovery time; that s, the time to transition to a safe operating state, compared to the time required upon receipt of a cold reset. Warm reset events include software-triggered reset per power domain, watchdog time-out, externally triggered.
For more details, please go through TABLE 5-1635 of the TRM for Reset Supported in the Device.
The MCU ROM code executes only on initial power up (POR). On subsequent (warm) resets, the reset vector base address will point to run-time loaded code (the SBL), and not ROM.