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TMS320C6678: TMS320C6678

Part Number: TMS320C6678


I am migrating a platform project from TI Processor SDK RTOS C667x with CCSv6 to TI Processor SDK RTOS C667x with CCSv9.3.0. There are 4 shared regions created in a rtsc configuration file which is attached in this post. The base address and memory size for the 4 shared regions are listed in the following table. The 2nd column shows the values assigned in the attached RTSC configuration file while the 3rd and 4th column of table show the shared region base address and size read from a target system via the functions, SharedRegion_getHeap() and HeapMemMP_getExtendedStats().

value assigned in rtsc cfg file ccsv6 with SDK  ccsv9 with SDK 
shared region 0

base addr = 0x8100000

len = 0x45200000

base addr = 0x8100080

len = 0x451FFF80

base addr = 0x8100080

len = 0x8A400000

shared region 1

base addr = 0xC0100000

len = 0x00370000

base addr = 0xC0100040

len = 0x0036FFC0

base addr = 0xC0100040

len = 0x006E0000

shared region 2

base addr = 0x0c000000

len = 0x00010000

base addr = 0x0C00700

len = 0x0000F900

base addr = 0x0C00700

len = 0x0001F280

shared region 3

base addr = 0x80100000

len = 0x00800000

base addr = 0x80100080

len = 0x007FFF80

base addr = 0x80100080

len = 0x01000000

It can be seen that the base address generated using SDK and SDK agree with each other. But the memory length generated using SDK is two times of the memory length assigned in the RTSC configuration file. Any kind of help is appreciated.

Wai Kwok Law
